Australian Centre for
Paddling Safety

Every Paddler wants to come home

Almost half a million Australians enjoy paddling. It is a recreational activity, a sport, a pastime, a lifestyle and for some, almost a religion. It is one of the last largely unregulated frontier activities. It brings immense joy to many Australians.

There is a dark side to paddling. Every year, tragedies occur, paddlers die, families are devasted, but the world goes on. What if we could learn from these tragedies to make tomorrows' paddling safer?

The Australian Centre for Paddling Safety fills the gap between paddling fatalities and emergencies, media reporting, police reporting, coronial findings and the flow of information to the public.

The ACPS will record the deaths of paddlers in Australia, and collate information about these deaths as it becomes available - providing an ongoing resource. The ACPS will also link to similiar international paddling resource websites.

The main beneficiaries of the ACPS are paddlers, who are better informed to make better decisions about their safety, and their mates.




This website is maintained by the efforts of volunteers,
and supported by paddling organisations committed to the same values.